How to Talk about Dividing Topics with Nonviolent Communication
​​​​​​​Free live session with NVC trainer and conflict mediator Marianne van Dijk

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Everyone is affected by what is happening in the Israel-Palestine crisis. Some of you are deeply affected. And some of you might even be in the midst of it.

Many of you have told me about how challenging it is to have conversations about the topic with those who see things differently than you do.

As a result, some of you avoid the topic, and are left with a sense of guilt for ignoring it. Some of you get into heated debates. Some of you have lost friends due to it.

I think it is of the utmost importance that we find mutual understanding on these crucial political themes with family, partners, colleagues and friends, while also taking our own capacity into account.

This session will walk you through a free 5 step tool you can use during these conversations. It is based on Nonviolent Communication and boundary setting. There will be space to grieve as well.

I also know there are other crises in the world, such as in Ukraine, Congo and many more. This tool may be applied in any challenging conversation about delicate topics.

The session is for both complete beginners and more advanced in Nonviolent Communication.

It is completely free, so please share with anyone who might be able to use this.

May NVC be a tool that supports you during these times, and may you be an example for others.

=> Webinar takes about 1.5 hours.

Responses to my previous webinars:

‘I had TREMENDOUS help and a lot of insight as how to approach, in words, a difficult conversation.’

‘The way you've put Nonviolent Communication together with your own style and flavor and examples is super inspiring for me.’

‘I just want to say thank you, for this webinar and for everything that you share. It gives me a lot of hope for my own communication and that it will help me get more honesty, harmony, energy and joy/fun in life.’

Enjoy the webinar! 

Cup of Empathy​​
Webinar by
Marianne van Dijk (she/her)

I'm Marianne, a Dutch NVC trainer living in Indonesia and the Netherlands. I have worked as a conflict mediator for almost a decade. I run the biggest Youtube channel world wide about the method of Nonviolent Communication.

​​I am not an expert in the Israel-Palestine crisis. I don't aim to spread information on the event itself - there are people better at that.​ I do have skills when it comes to how to find mutual understanding on dividing topics and how to set boundaries around the energy you put in relationships. This is what I want to offer​ during this crisis.

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